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2023-03-02     三亚崖州湾科技城管理局    

  2月28日晚,Inner Power艺术沙龙暨第二期崖州湾国际人才社区活动在大白鲸三亚海洋探索世界举办,活动吸引了来自巴基斯坦、比利时等国家的外籍人才和多名留学海归人才参与活动。

Inner Power Art Salon, the 2nd Yazhou Bay International Talent Community Series activities, was held in the Beluga - Sanya Ocean Discovery World, on 28th February. Which attracted international talents from Pakistan, Belgium and 15 talents returned from studying abroad.



  活动期间,美籍艺术家Angelo Segarra向在场的国际人才分享了自己的油画艺术作品,传授绘画技巧和创作经验,指导国际人才现场作画。大家一同品咖啡、谈艺术、赏乐曲、作油画,艺术氛围直接拉满!在Angelo Segarra老师的悉心指导下,大家拿起画笔,调出心仪的色彩,在画布上进行了一场酣畅淋漓的创作,在体验油画独特魅力的同时,放松身心,增进彼此的交流。

Angelo Segarra, an American artist, taught his oil painting experiences and techniques during the art salon. Everyone enjoy coffee, art, music, communicating with each other based on drawing, full of artistic atmosphere! Everyone used their favorite colors to create their own arts on the canvas to experience the unique charm of oil paintings, while refreshed and enhanced communication.



International talents experienced more cross-cultural communications from this activity at Yazhou Bay Science and Technology City, improved the artistic appreciation ability, enriched life, and effectively helped the construction of the cultural environment of the International Talents Community.

  除Inner Power艺术沙龙之外,崖州湾科技城还举办了2月的另一场活动。

Besides, YZBSTC hosted another activity in February.


A group of young people from YZBSTC played one of the hot-point sports: Frisbee at lighting football-ground, on the evening of 17th February.



It is reported that Yazhou Bay International Talent Community series activities -- "Running, Dopamine" frisbee attracted more than 50 international talents. Xiao Lin,who participated in the event, mentioned that "I met a lot of new friends through this activity. I felt a nice atmosphere when we played together."



In order to enhance the interaction and communication further, create a lively community, help international talent quickly adapt to various aspects of YZBSTC, and to help with constructing the talent centers and innovation hub, Yazhou Bay Science and Technology City Administration Bureau with Tongxinxiaoshe will continue to host this series of activities regularly in the future.



地  址:三亚市崖州区新道街10号招商科创广场二期T5栋8-11层

上班时间:上午 08:30 - 12:30 |下午 14:30 - 17:30

版权所有 中国(海南)自贸港三亚崖州湾科技城

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